How to Age Gracefully

(Source: JW Publications, w15 6/1 p. 8-10)

HOW do you feel when the thought of aging comes up?

It fills many with concern, anxiety, and even dread. This is because aging is usually associated with negatives, such as diminished looks, a frail body, memory loss, and chronic diseases.

However, the fact is that people differ greatly in the way they age. 

Some enjoy relatively good health, physically and mentally, in their later years. Advances in medicine have enabled others to treat or control chronic illnesses. As a result, in some lands more and more people are living longer and healthier lives.

Nevertheless, whether confronted with age related
problems or not, most people wish to be able to age gracefully. How can this be done? In part, doing so depends on our attitude and our willingness and ability to adapt to this new phase in life. 

Here are 6 simple and practical Bible principles that will enable one to age gracefully.

1. BE MODEST: “Wisdom is with the modest ones.”

(Proverbs 11:2)

2. BE BALANCED: “Women should adorn themselves
in appropriate dress, with modesty and soundness of mind.” (1 Timothy 2:9)

3. BE POSITIVE: “All the days of the afflicted one are
bad, but the one with a cheerful heart has a continual

feast.” (Proverbs 15:15)

4. BE GENEROUS: “Practice giving, and people will

give to you.” (Luke 6:38)

5. BE FRIENDLY: “Whoever isolates himself pursues
his own selfish desires; he rejects all practical wisdom.” (Proverbs 18:1)

6. BE THANKFUL: “Show yourselves thankful.” (Colossians 3:15)

Above all, be thankful for life itself. “A live dog
is better off than a dead lion,” wise King Solomon
reminded us. (Ecclesiastes 9:4) Yes, with the
right attitude coupled with willingness to adapt,

it is possible to age gracefully.
