Spiritual Gems from Weekly Bible Reading

(John 14:15-1715“If you love me, you will observe my commandments. 16 And I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, 17the spirit of the truth,+ which the world cannot receive, because it neither sees it nor knows it. You know it, because it remains with you and is in you.

Jesus assured his disciples that he would give them a helper​—God’s holy spirit.  This is the most powerful force in the universe. With it, Jehovah can “more than superabundantly” provide the strength that we need to endure any trial. (Eph. 3:20) By relying on it, said the apostle Paul, we receive “power beyond what is normal,” even though we are “pressed in every way.” (2 Cor. 4:7, 8) Jehovah does not promise to remove stress, but he does assure us that by means of his spirit, he will give us the strength to deal with it.​—Phil. 4:13.

Consider the example of Stephanie, a 19-year-old regular pioneer. At age 12, she suffered a stroke and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Since then, she has undergone surgery twice, received radiation treatment, and suffered two more strokes, which left her with limited movement on her left side and limited vision. Stephanie has to save her energy for the things that she considers more important, such as Christian meetings and field service. Yet, she perceives Jehovah’s strengthening hand helping her to endure in many ways. Bible-based publications containing experiences of fellow Christians have uplifted her when she has been downhearted. Brothers and sisters have supported her by sending her letters or by speaking encouragingly to her before and after meetings. Interested people too have shown appreciation for what Stephanie is teaching them by going to her home to receive their Bible instruction. For all of this, Stephanie feels a great debt of gratitude to Jehovah. Her favorite scripture is Psalm 41:3, which she believes has been fulfilled in her case.

LESSON for me: When I am tired or under pressure, I must never reason that the way to deal with stress is to cut back on spiritual activities. That is the worst thing I could possibly do. Why? Because such activities as personal and family Bible study, field service, and meeting attendance are the means by which we receive revitalizing holy spirit from Jehovah. Christian activities are always refreshing. (Read Matthew 11:28, 29.How often brothers and sisters arrive at meetings feeling weary, but when the time comes to go home, it is as if their energy has been renewed, their spiritual batteries recharged!
(Reference: w11 1/15 p. 24-25)
