Something Better Than Christmas

(Source: JW publications, w12 12/1)
AS THE Christmas season approaches, songs, films, and TV programs promote a jolly and exciting holiday mood—the Christmas spirit. What do you think should be the most important element of that spirit? Would it be…
Remembering Jesus Christ?
Sharing in the joy of giving?
Helping the needy?
Spending time with family?
Promoting peace?
Sadly, many who celebrate Christmas find it difficult to achieve any of those goals during the holiday season. Christmastime often tends to be hectic, stressful and, above all, commercial.
The Bible does encourage all of us to remember Jesus Christ, to be liberal in giving, to help the needy, and to spend time with our families. It also teaches us how to be peaceable.
Thanks to JEHOVAH God, while considering HIS principles, I FOUND SOMETHING BETTER THAN CHRISTMAS!

1. Remembering Jesus Christ
Regarding Christmas, some say that Jesus is “the reason for the season.” They celebrate Christmas to commemorate his birthday. Many Christmas customs have little to do with Jesus Christ. Millions who celebrate the holiday do not put faith in him; some do not even believe that he existed. In the commercial world, Christmas has become a holiday to advertise goods rather than an occasion to remember Jesus.
Bible principles that helped me:
“Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”—LUKE 22:19. Jesus spoke these words, obviously not on his birthday, but on the night before he died. On that evening, he instituted a simple ceremony to memorialize his death. Yet, why would Jesus want his followers to remember his death rather than his birth? Because Jesus’ ransom sacrifice gives obedient humans the opportunity to receive everlasting life. “The wages sin pays is death,” says the Bible, “but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) Thus, each year, on the anniversary of his death, Jesus’ followers remember Jesus Christ, not as a helpless infant, but as “the savior of the world.”—John 4:42.
“Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely.” (1 Peter 2:21) To honor and remember Jesus, you should study his example as a perfect, intelligent man. Also, meditate on the way Jesus displayed compassion, patience, and the courage to do what is right, and look for opportunities to imitate him in your own life.
“The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15) When you remember Jesus Christ, consider what he is doing now. Jesus is ruling as a heavenly King. God’s Word prophesied regarding Jesus: “With righteousness he must judge the lowly ones, and with uprightness he must give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth.” (Isaiah 11:4) Those appealing qualities belong, not to a newborn baby, but to a mighty Ruler.
What I found: “Before I became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I rarely went to church. If I did go, I went only on Christmas or Easter. Yet, even then, I didn’t really think about Jesus Christ. I no longer celebrate Christmas, but I attend Christian meetings twice weekly and I even teach others what the Bible says about Jesus!” For me, that is the better way of remembering Jesus Christ than celebrating Christmas.
2. The Joy of Giving
As Jesus stated, giving makes both the giver and the receiver happy. (Acts 20:35) In pursuit of that happiness, many view gift-giving as one of the most important features of Christmas. However, many feel that Christmas gift-giving brings more stress, not more happiness. How so? A lot of shoppers feel compelled to buy gifts that they cannot afford. And since everyone is shopping for gifts at the same time, crowds and long lines make shopping an exasperating experience for many.
Bible principles that helped me:
“Practice giving,” said Jesus. (Luke 6:38) He did not limit gift-giving to a certain time of the year when people would be expected to give. Jesus urged his followers to make spontaneous gift-giving a practice, a way of life. “Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7) Being “a cheerful giver” rules out the feeling of being obligated to give a specific item to a specific person at a specific time—the way Christmas gift-giving often turns out to be.
“If the readiness is there first, it is especially acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what a person does not have.” (2 Corinthians 8:12) God does not require Christians to go into debt to pay for expensive gifts. Rather, when a person gives ‘according to what he has,’ his gifts are not merely tolerable but “especially acceptable.” What a refreshing contrast to the “buy now, pay later” message of advertisers during the holidays!
What I found: “I get excited when people give me a present when I don’t expect it. I love surprises! I also like making cards and painting pictures for other people because it makes them feel a bit happier, and it makes me happy too.”
3. Helping the Needy
Because Jesus helped people who were poor, sick, and afflicted, some want to follow his example. They feel that the best time to do that may be Christmas, when charities often put forth extra effort to collect donations.
Bible principles that helped me:
“Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do it.” (Proverbs 3:27) The poor, the hungry, and the afflicted do not suffer only at Christmastime. If you perceive that someone needs help and it is within “the power of your hand” to assist, why wait for a holiday to act? Your kindness and compassionate actions will be blessed. See also 1 Corinthians 16:2 and Hebrews 13:16.
What I found: “I enjoy making meals for people who are sick. Sometimes I bring them a small gift to cheer them up. I enjoy this because I can visit these people at any time of the year.”
4. Family Togetherness
Many families today look forward to getting together and enjoying a “good” and “pleasant” time at Christmas.
Bible principles that helped me:
“Keep paying a due compensation to [your] parents and grandparents.” (1 Timothy 5:4) To the extent possible, arrange regular visits with your family. If your relatives live far away, you can still communicate often. Why not write a letter, call them on the telephone, send an e-mail, or chat online? Regular communication keeps misunderstandings to a minimum.
What I found: “When our family gets together, our children get to know their uncles, aunts, grandparents, and cousins in a relaxed atmosphere. Since we are not bound by fixed holidays, we do not feel pressured, and our family knows that we visit them because we love them.”
5. Peace Among Men
Every year, the pope and other religious leaders preach messages of peace, hopeful that the Christmas season will fulfill the angelic proclamation: “Upon earth peace among men of goodwill.” Some make special pilgrimages to celebrate. (LUKE 2:14)
Bible principles that helped me:
“There has been a child born to us . . . His name will be called . . . Prince of Peace. To the abundance of the princely rule and to peace there will be no end.” (Isaiah 9:6, 7) Is not that prophecy about Jesus Christ reassuring? Jesus was not born on earth to bring one day of peace each year. As a heavenly Ruler, he will bring genuine peace that will not end.
“By means of me [Jesus] you may have peace. In the world you are having tribulation, but take courage! I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33) Even today, Jesus nurtures peace among his followers. True, Christians have tribulation. Yet, thanks to the Bible, they understand why suffering exists and how Jesus will bring lasting peace. Therefore, they enjoy peace of mind.
By following Jesus’ words, Jehovah’s Witnesses—regardless of their nationality, skin color, ethnicity, or language—enjoy such peace. See for yourself by attending a meeting at their Kingdom Hall. Perhaps you, like many others, will agree that this peace is better than any peace that Christmas can offer.
What I found: “At Christmastime, it seems that there is so much to do that few people think about peace. Now that I have learned what the Bible promises for humans, I feel at ease. Now I understand that my children will enjoy a happy future.”

Click this link:Why Do Some People Not Celebrate Christmas?
