Bible Chronology: During the Period of the Kings of Judah



Dates B.C.E.

Bible Texts

SAUL began to rule as king over all 12 tribes (40 years)

Prophet: Samuel

High priests: Ahijah, Ahimelech




DAVID began to rule as king of Judah at Hebron (40)

Prophets: Nathan, Gad, Zadok

High priest: Abiathar




SOLOMON began to rule as king (40)

Prophets: Nathan, Ahijah, Iddo

High priests: Abiathar, Zadok




REHOBOAM began to rule as king (17 years); nation split into two kingdoms

(Son of Solomon by his Ammonite wife Naamah)

Prophets: Shemaiah, Iddo



1Ki 14:21; 1Ch 3:10; 2Ch 9:31

ABIJAH (ABIJAM) began to rule as king (3)

(Son of Rehoboam by Maacah, granddaughter of Absalom)

Prophet: Iddo



1Ki 14:31–15:8; 2Ch 11:20-22

ASA evidently began to rule (41), but his first regnal year counted from 977

Prophets: Azariah, Oded, Hanani



1Ki 15:8-10

JEHOSHAPHAT evidently began to rule (25), but his first regnal year counted from 936

(Son of Asa by Azubah the daughter of Shilhi)

Prophets: Jehu (son of Hanani), Eliezer, Jahaziel

High priest: Amariah



1Ki 22:42; 2Ch 20:31

JEHORAM became official coregent with Jehoshaphat, from which time Jehoram’s kingship may be counted (8)

Prophet: Elijah

(Jehoram of Judah and Jehoram of Israel were brothers-in-law because Jehoram of Judah married Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel and sister of Jehoram of Israel)

Jehoshaphat died and Jehoram became sole ruler







2Ch 21:1-3, 5, 20

2Ki 1:17; 8:16

AHAZIAH, began to rule (1), though perhaps anointed to kingship in c. 907

(Son of Jehoram by Athaliah)

High priest: Jehoiada



2Ch 22:1

ATHALIAH usurped the throne (6)

(When her wicked son Ahaziah died after a one-year reign, she killed off all the others of the royal line, except the infant Jehoash, who had been hidden by the high priest and his wife, who was Jehoash’s aunt.)



2Ch 22:11, 12

JEHOASH, son of Ahaziah, began to rule as king (40)

(Son of Ahaziah by Zibiah from Beer-sheba.)

High priest: Jehoiada



2Ki 12:1; 1Ch 3:11



